The 21st century will be the age of optics: Optical fibre networks are the backbone of modern mobile communication technology. High-resolution camera systems are the prerequisite for autonomous driving, and laser technology replaces the scalpel in many medical procedures. At the international symposium "Future Optics" on 25 and 26 September 2019 at Herrenhausen Palace in Hannover, more than 180 scientists will discuss how optical technologies could shape the future. The Cluster of Excellence PhoenixD (Photonics, Optics, and Engineering – Innovation Across Disciplines) at Leibniz University Hannover organises the symposium in collaboration with Volkswagen Foundation.
In his welcoming speech, Björn Thümler, Minister for Science and Culture of Lower Saxony, stressed the importance of optical technologies for Leibniz University Hannover: “The Cluster of Excellence PhoenixD brings together researchers from fields that are crucial for the university’s scientific profile: photonics, optics, and engineering“. Thümler added: “Through established collaborations between experts in the fields of physics and engineering, the cluster concept benefits from the strengths of the university and combines existing partnerships from joint collaborative research projects in a long-term strategic concept.”
Prof. Dr. Volker Epping, president of Leibniz University Hannover, explained: "Within the scope of the Cluster of Excellence PhoenixD, scientists will solve promising research questions under one roof. Researchers from the fields of mechanical engineering, physics, electrical engineering, computer science, and chemistry will simulate, manufacture, and implement optical systems. Leibniz University Hannover is already number one in the optics ranking of the German Research Foundation (DFG). Furthermore, I am very pleased that our PhoenixD researchers will have their own "House of Optics", which is expected to be completed by the end of 2020. Focusing on optics will also offer additional value to students: with respect to teaching, they will benefit from the existing master's degree programme Optical Technologies and a planned degree programme in Optics/Photonics. Our long-term vision is to possibly create a new Faculty of Optics at Leibniz University Hannover.”
Prof. Dr. Uwe Morgner, PhoenixD spokesperson and professor at the Institute of Quantum Optics at Leibniz University Hannover was delighted to welcome more than 180 scientists from Germany, Asia, and the United States at the opening symposium in Hannover. “Our international symposium on the future of optics covers a wide range of topics and illustrates the rapid progress in optics and photonics over the past twenty years, as well as the increasing relevance of optical technologies for science and technology. At component level, optics has decades of catching up to do compared to its big role model, microelectronics”, explained Morgner. “Now is the perfect time for our research, and Hannover/Braunschweig is the perfect location for bringing together expertise in natural sciences, engineering, and data sciences “, said the PhoenixD spokesperson.
In his keynote lecture "Photonics for Mass Applications: Highlights, Trends, Visions", Professor Dr. Karl Joachim Ebeling from Ulm University illustrated how drastically optical technologies have shaped everyday life over the past 20 years. The scientist also provided a glimpse into the future: "LEDs will conquer the ultraviolet spectral range. Ultraviolet light will then be used for disinfection and water disinfection, as well as for promoting plant growth or for treating skin diseases", predicted professor Ebeling. Optical technologies also have the potential to be used in three-dimensional environmental detection: "We will see much more 3D imaging in the future, such as in autonomous vehicles and robots, the precise 3D documentation of consumer goods and architectural elements, as well as for facilitating work and control processes by inserting virtual help into real-life scenarios (augmented reality)”.